Individual services
"To achieve a goal you've never achieved before you must start doing things you've never done before."
~ Jim Stuart
Top 10 Things to Prepare for a Job Interview
1. RESEARCH - Find out as much information about the organization.
2. COMPARE - Know the job description and compare its requirements to your experience and skills.
3. PREPARE - Look up interview questions that could be asked and practice the answer first on paper and second out loud. Have a question or two for the organization. Such as, "What is a typical day like in this position?", "What specific challenges might I face in this position?", and"What is the next step in this interview process?"
4. BE PROMPT - If the interview is onsite, than be early (approximately 15 minutes). You want to know what location the interview will be held and how long it takes to get there.
5. DRESS APPROPRIATELY - Wear clothing you feel good in and that will not be a distraction. When in doubt ask about the dress code.
6. CONFIDENCE - Use a firm handshake and eye contact.
7. BREATHE - Remember to breathe slowly and deeply. Seriously, this helps to calm your mind and body so that you can focus.
8. BRING - Have extra copies of your resume', work samples and references, as well as, a way to take notes.
9. SMILE - At the end of the interview(s) say thank you, shake their hand and smile.
10. FOLLOW UP - send a simple thank you note by mail and/or email whichever is more appropriate for the situation.
Trying to figure out a career direction, or in a career and want to try something new?
Counseling includes a skills gap review, minimum qualifications for interested jobs and career assessment.
Resume' Development & Interview Preparation
First resume, updated resume', change in career vitae.
Role play interview questions and preparation for the interview.
Social Media Consultation
Improve your online presence, create your Linkedin profile, Twitter, Facebook and learn about AI and recruitment machine automation.
Job Search
Finally, join recruitment and organizational search sites with newly minted resume' and online presence.